Posts tagged “poems


poem stone

poem stone


mouse nursing
her last cluster


fading daylight
in the rafters
a corn doll left behind


haiku printed on antique book paper from the 1800’s


haiku printed on antique book paper from the 1800’s

for one single impression


digital haiga
for one single impression


hurry, slug
the birds are hungry
and you are out in the open


We have finally had significant rain here and the heat has broken into the coolness of fall. I can sense the unwinding of nature here as the male goldfinches are beginning to lose their bright yellow feathers as they make a last stop at the feeders before moving on.


digital haiga


It has been a trying summer this year for the trees. We have had very little in the way of rain and the trees seems to be suffering. It will be too warm in the next few days to feel like autumn. No fresh crispness in the morning. The autumnal equinox occurring today seems to bring a strange air of early dying. A feeling of whatever happens now, it maybe too little, too late.


haiku haiga
Sometimes it is always enticing to keep looking up, away, beyond… But, occasionally we may find where we need to be right where we are or what we need maybe just below our feet.


Photo haiga of small wentletrap shell I found on Assateague Island with my son. Every morning we would rise early to search for shells on the beach. He would pick up every shell he found, no matter how broken. Sitting beside him, I was digging my fingers into the wet sand and found this tiny perfect shell. It was the only one I brought home for myself from the beach, yet his piles of broken and wave-worn shells are just as precious to me.

summer’s end

haiga tanka for we write poems

on the winter night

tanka and haiga
ink brush painting on rice paper with digital text

daily sumi-e My Cat

My cat seems to enjoy ignoring us most of the time. She sits contentedly in “her” wicker chair by the french doors with her back to us. This is the view we often get of her. She often reminds me of my grandfather who was at Pearl Harbor and came back “shell-shocked”. I really never remember him speaking or what his voice sounded like because he never spoke. He would spend hours upon hours sitting in a dining room chair in the corner of the room looking out the window with his arm resting on the table. How some simple ink lines will lead you to certain memories.


Sumi-e brush painting with ink on rice paper and haiku

among the seeds
in an unopened poppy
hidden heart secrets

daily sumi-e Bee

I had a bit of trouble with the wings on this on.


daily sumi-e Thoughtful Frog

quick ink and brush sketch of a frog. Hmmm…I wonder what he is thinking?

daily sumi-e Cormorant

I remember seeing a strange movie a long time ago about a man in Wales (Ralph Fiennes) driven crazy by a cormorant he was in charge of caring for. I learned how fishermen in China and Japan use the birds to catch fish. Fishermen tie a rope on the bird’s throat and the cormorant dives off the side of the fishing boat, swim under the water and do what is natural for it, he catches fish. However, the rope prevents the bird from swallowing its catch. With a fish in its throat, whether the fisherman brings the bird back to the boat by the rope or the bird is trained to return on its own, I am not sure, the fisherman has the bird spit up the fish. I am not sure ethically how I feel about this practice, but I find cormorants a very magical bird. On my annual trip to Assateague Island, I saw cormorants in the wild for the first time.

daily sumi-e Bird

Bird about to take flight

Daily Sumi-e

I have been trying my hand at sumi-e painting. I have never been able to draw or paint very well, but I have always loved art. I love the line and subtilty of sumi-e. So I’ll be practicing and posting. Feel free to criticize at will, that is how one improves.